Lenticular depth calculator

Como calcular la PROFUNDIDAD

Thanks to Henri Clément, 3D photographer, we can show you a real comparison between many lenses on the market and we show you how to calculate the depth for each lens design.

As you can see, printing the same file on different lens designs does not make sense as each lens design has its own caracteristics. You’ll notice that our 3D 28LPI allows 2x more depth than a 40 LPI and half the 3D 20LPI. This shows why we made a 28 LPI (and not 27 or 30)…

Does this mean that these figures are an absolute limit? Of course not as it will also depend of the artwork and the tolerance of a certain amount of “blur” in the background.

Attention: the resolution is calculated in PPI, pixels per inch, not in DPI !!

In blue the products sold by DP Lenticular Ltd.

For Offset printers (1200 PPI):

Material Viewing Angle Sharp Parallax Distance Stereoscopic Basis Back-Depth Front-Depth  ∑ Depth
LPI ° cm cm ( 1/1 orthoscopic ) cm cm cm
1200 PPI cm
150 LPI 43 0,14 50 39,39 0,17 0,17 0,34
100 LPI 44 0,30 50 40,40 0,38 0,37 0,75
3D 100 LPI 31 0,30 50 27,73 0,56 0,54 1,10
75 LPI 49 0,54 50 45,57 0,60 0,59 1,19
62 LPI 44 0,79 50 40,40 1,00 0,96 1,96

For digital :

Material Viewing Angle Sharp Parallax Distance Stereoscopic Basis Back-Depth Front-Depth  ∑ Depth
LPI ° cm cm ( 1/1 orthoscopic ) cm cm cm
    720 PPI    cm      
75 LPI 49 0,33 50 45,57 0,36 0,35 0,71
60 LPI 24 0.51 50 21,26  1,22 1,17  2,39
62 LPI 44 0,48 50 40,40 0,60 0,58 1,18
3D 50 LPI 41 0,73 50 37,39 1,00 0,96 1,96
40 LPI 25 1,14 100 44,34 2,65 2,51 5,16
40 LPI 37 1,14 100 66,92 1,74 1,68 3,42
40 LPI 49 1,14 100 91,15 1,27 1,24 2,51
30 LPI 47 2,03 100 86,96 2,39 2,28 4,68
28 LPI 37 2,29 100 66,92 3,54 3,30 6,84
 28 LPI 37 2,29 200 133,84 3,48 3,36 6,84
20 LPI 54 4,57 100 101,91 4,70 4,29 8,99
20 LPI  54 4,57 200 203,81 4,59 4,39 8,98
20 LPI 47 4,57 100 86,96 5,55 4,99 10,54
20 LPI  47 4,57 200 173,92 5,40 5,12 10,52
20 LPI 40 4,57 100 72,79 6,70 5,91 12,61
20 LPI  40 4,57 200 145,59 6,48 6,09 12,57
20 LPI 37 4,57 100 66,92 7,33 6,40 13,73
20 LPI  37 4,57 200 133,84 7,07 6,61 13,68
20 LPI 29 4,57 100 51,72 9,70 8,12 17,82
20 LPI  29 4,57 200 103,45 9,25 8,47 17,71
15 LPI 47 8,13 200 173,92 9,80 8,93 18,73
15 LPI 29 8,13 200 103,45 17,05 14,57 31,62

In Inches

For Offset printers (1200 PPI):

Material Viewing Angle Sharp Parallax Distance Stereoscopic Basis Back-Depth Front-Depth  ∑ Depth
° inches inches ( 1/1 orthoscopic )
1200 PPI inches inches inches inches
150 LPI 43 0,05 19,69 15,51 0,07 0,07 0,14
100 LPI 44 0,12 19,69 15,91 0,15 0,15 0,30
3D 100 LPI 31 0,12 19,69 10,92 0,22 0,21 0,43
75 LPI 49 0,21 19,69 17,94 0,24 0,23 0,47
62 LPI 44 0,31 19,69 15,91 0,39 0,38 0,77


For digital :

Material Viewing Angle Sharp Parallax Distance Stereoscopic Basis Back-Depth Front-Depth  ∑ Depth
  °  720 PPI  inches ( 1/1 orthoscopic )      
    inches inches inches inches inches inches
75 LPI 49 0,13 19,69 17,94 0,14 0,14 0,28
60 LPI 24 0,20 19,69 8,37 0,48 0,46 0,94
62 LPI 44 0,19 19,69 15,91 0,23 0,23 0,46
3D 50 LPI 41 0,29 19,69 14,72 0,39 0,38 0,77
40 LPI 25 0,45 39,37 17,46 1,04 0,99 2,03
40 LPI 37 0,45 39,37 26,35 0,68 0,66 1,35
40 LPI 49 0,45 39,37 35,88 0,50 0,49 0,99
30 LPI 47 0,80 39,37 34,24 0,94 0,90 1,84
28 LPI 37 0,90 39,37 26,35 1,39 1,30 2,69
28 LPI 37 0,90 78,74 52,69 1,37 1,32 2,69
20 LPI 54 1,80 39,37 40,12 1,85 1,69 3,54
20 LPI 54 1,80 78,74 80,24 1,81 1,73 3,53
20 LPI 47 1,80 39,37 34,24 2,18 1,97 4,15
20 LPI 47 1,80 78,74 68,47 2,13 2,02 4,14
20 LPI 40 1,80 39,37 28,66 2,64 2,33 4,97
20 LPI 40 1,80 78,74 57,32 2,55 2,40 4,95
20 LPI 37 1,80 39,37 26,35 2,89 2,52 5,40
20 LPI 37 1,80 78,74 52,69 2,78 2,60 5,39
20 LPI 29 1,80 39,37 20,36 3,82 3,20 7,01
20 LPI 29 1,80 78,74 40,73 3,64 3,33 6,97
15 LPI 47 3,20 78,74 68,47 3,86 3,52 7,38
15 LPI 29 3,20 78,74 40,73 6,71 5,74 12,45
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