Over the past 12 months, Pacur in Wisconsin and DPLenticular have been running a project with the sole aim of improving what is already regarded as the finest lenticular material available on the market today.
This project has now reached a conclusion and as a result of this we are now able to offer a ‘Category 1’ – fully recyclable lenticular material called Lenstar Plus.
Not only have we been able to bring in this important environmental improvement, but also press stability and registration have improved. And this whilst retaining its already well known benefits of clarity and process ability. As a result, initial colour to colour registration has been easier, thus potentially decreasing your press make ready times. This will help you in becoming even more efficient and successful in the lenticular print business.
And last but not least: the best news is probably that all these improvements come at no extra cost. We were able to keep the price for the improved Lenstar Plus material at the same level as the current Lenstar lenticular sheets.
You’ll find the MSDS and safety test reports on the usual page:
A definite Plus in quality, but not in price!
Lenstar Plus now carries the PET recycle logo on all sheets.